The ultimate trick to clean your iron in minutes

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Over time and with wear and tear, your iron runs the risk of damage and, above all, burns. This can make it very difficult to iron your clothes. Fortunately, there are a few cleaning methods to give it a second wind without damaging it further. Of course, you also have to take into account the ...

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5 tips for getting rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom

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The bathroom is still one of the smelliest rooms in the house, and so deserves more attention. Between mould, damp and the smell of urine, the bathroom environment is becoming repulsive, to say the least. The methods we present in this article are designed to put an end to these inconveniences and make way for ...

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Marinated cucumber, onion and tomato

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Marinated cucumbers, onions and tomatoes, a delicious, light and refreshing salad perfect for summer or winter. What I love about this recipe is that you can serve chicken or any main dishes you want!! *ingredients °Cucumbers: 3 medium (peeled and cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices) °Onion: medium (chopped and divided into rings) °Tomatoes: 3 medium (cut ...

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A Surprising Solution for Stubborn Stove Grease: Vaseline

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A Surprising Solution for Stubborn Stove Grease: Vaseline The Power of Vaseline: Vaseline, also known as petroleum jelly, has a multitude of uses beyond moisturizing dry skin. One of its lesser-known benefits is its remarkable ability to remove grease and grime from various surfaces, including stovetops. Before we delve into the details of this technique, ...

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This is why you should burn Rosemary at home

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The practice of burning herbs for their aromatic and therapeutic properties has been employed for centuries in various cultures worldwide. One such herb, rosemary, is known for its distinctive fragrance and potential benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the ancient art of burning rosemary at home and the surprising effects that unfold within minutes. The ...

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A trick to clean your yellowed pillows and make them snow white

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Wash the dishes, chase away the dust and all the unpleasant odors that can become embedded in your home, remove limescale deposits, polish the cutlery… Household chores are endless and home maintenance requires patience and time. Some tend to gravitate towards common household products full of chemicals that threaten the environment. Others favor the use ...

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