Toilet, cleaning and fragrance guaranteed for 7 days in a row: zero limescale stains

Deep cleaning of the toilet with these ingredients: here is the procedure to follow
We have now reached the procedure to follow to obtain a really useful solution in the removal of limestone from the toilet, but not only. Let’s find out how to better sanitize your bathroom, by means of some simple ingredients that we will always have at our home. Here are all the details.
In a container you will have to enter two teaspoons of vinegar and squeeze the abundant lemon juice. At this point, add two large teaspoons of powdered detergent. Mix this mixture well and add a teaspoon of baking soda.
After stirring the whole solution again, you will also need to enter 100 milliliters of clean water. Using a funnel, you will now have to place this compound inside a spray container. In this way, in fact, you can spray the solution in the most “needy” areas of cleaning.
This natural solution, based on vinegar, lemon and bicarbonate will serve to sanitize and perfume all the toilets in your bathroom, so as to remove the limestone from the surfaces and all the annoying and unpleasant odors from this environment. You will then use a normal sponge to spread the mixture better along all surfaces.
In the specific case of the toilet, then, you can use the broom after spraying the mixture. The action of this tool, in fact, will serve to eliminate more effectively the areas full of limestone on the bottom and along the walls.
With this natural solution you will return to shine all your bathroom. Just spray once a week to have the toilets and toilet always scented and clean.