Clogged toilet? The easy way to solve the problem


What’s the most effective unblocker?
When the drain is blocked, the water doesn’t flow freely and the dirt stays afloat, certain household products can come to the rescue to unblock the situation. These are poured into the bowl and combined with very hot water. If the blockage was only slight, you’ll soon notice that the pipes eventually clear and the flush works properly again. On the other hand, if the blockage is more serious, the adhesive tape technique will be very useful.

How do I use it? First of all, carefully dry the toilet rim, then position the adhesive tape vertically and horizontally. The important thing is to be able to cover the entire opening as well as possible, so that no air can get in or out in any way.

A layer of hot steam will then form and gradually melt the adhesive tape. A high level of pressure will release the toilet blockage. To make the task easier, we recommend that you press down on the double layer of adhesive tape with your hands.

Once all the dirt has been removed and the toilet is no longer blocked, you can remove the tape. And that’s all there is to it!

Grandma’s tips: unblock your toilet without a plunger
Of course, there are a ton of practical and effective ways to unblock toilets easily. Flushing is not as complex a process as it might seem. And, in the event of minor problems, the toilet can be made to leak quickly without necessarily calling in a specialist. So what should you do if your drains are blocked? If your drains are blocked, these three home remedies can help you save the day by getting rid of this annoying problem quickly.

Baking soda and white vinegar: the perfect duo
Before we get started, a quick reminder: we know it’s a very tedious task and many people prefer to put it off, but you shouldn’t skimp on toilet cleaning. Maintenance should be regular, even daily, to maintain your health and maximise your well-being in a clean, healthy environment. After all, you spend a lot of time there and the idea is to feel comfortable, right? The good news is that you don’t have to continually resort to chemical cleaners, which are expensive and harmful to the environment. Some natural, environmentally-friendly products will do just fine!

The following substances will not only help to purify and deodorise the area, but also unblock the drain. As well as hot water, baking soda and vinegar are among the most effective home remedies to use in the event of a blockage. Ideally, it’s best to combine these 3 ingredients at the same time to clean up your drains. Bicarbonate and acetic acid in particular form a powerful chemical compound in water that releases a lot of carbonic acid. This will exert intense pressure and you can increase the effect with hot water. So, in practical terms, here are the doses to apply: put 1 or 2 small sachets of bicarbonate of soda in your blocked toilet, then pour in a bottle of white vinegar and about 3 litres of hot water. Leave this solution to work overnight. The next morning, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that the blockage has completely disappeared. Unless, of course, the problem is much deeper in the drain. And as a bonus, you’ll even notice that your toilets smell nice and they’re all clean!

For your information
Acetic acid is also great for breaking down urinary calculus.

With hot water and washing-up liquid
Sometimes toilet blockages are caused by deposits of greasy cleaners. In this case, hot water is your best ally. How do you flush the toilet? Fill a saucepan with water and bring it to the boil. Then wait 5 to 10 minutes for the water to cool slightly and add a generous amount of washing-up liquid. Then pour this mixture into the toilet bowl and observe whether the permeability of the pipes has improved. Don’t hesitate to repeat this operation several times until the blockage is completely dissolved. Remember, however, that this technique only works in certain types of blockage, particularly when the pipe is blocked on the surface.

Unblock drains with a wire coat hanger
Our final method is unusual, to say the least, but no less tried and tested. It involves inserting a wire coat hanger into the sewer pipe. Yes, you read that right! But not just any hanger: don’t try to insert a wooden or plastic hanger, but a wire one. Simply unfold it and push it into the drain to unblock it. Make sure you straighten the hanger as far as possible before inserting it into the toilet. Tip: don’t forget to use protective gloves for hygienic work. Once you’ve finished the job, you’ll also need to get rid of any residual dirt by cleaning the area thoroughly with a disinfectant liquid.