The magic trick for easily removing grease from an encrusted frying pan


Start by grating the soap with the fine rasp. The idea is to create small shavings that will dissolve more easily during cooking.
Cover the bottom of the pan with the grated soap shavings. Add just enough water to cover the soap.
Then place the pan over a medium heat.
Allow the soap and water mixture to heat up until it forms an even, slightly thick mass. This should take about 10 minutes. The mixture will start to foam slightly, a sign that it has reached the desired consistency.
While the mixture is still hot, use the sponge soaked in the solution to gently rub the sides and bottom of the pan. Be careful not to burn yourself!
Once you’ve finished, leave the pan to cool a little. Then clean it with the soap solution, making sure to remove all the grease and residue.
Additional tips
Caution: Always handle a hot pan with care to avoid burns.
Rinsing: Be sure to rinse the pan thoroughly after cleaning to remove all traces of soap.
Frequency: This method can be used regularly, but always in moderation to maintain the integrity of your pans surface.
Variations: You can experiment with different brands of soap to find the one that works best for you.
This simple and effective old-fashioned trick will allow you to bring your pans back to life without using chemicals. By adopting this traditional method, you’re not only helping to maintain your kitchen, you’re also helping to protect the environment. Give it a try and see for yourself!